Ultimate Member – 이메일 기본 템플릿의 일반 텍스트

Ultimate Member – 이메일 기본 템플릿의 일반 텍스트

계정 환영 메일

제목: Welcome to {site_name}!

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

Thank you for signing up with {site_name}! Your account is now active.

To login please visit the following url:


Your account e-mail: {email}
Your account username: {username}

If you have any problems, please contact us at {admin_email}


계정 활성화 이메일

제목: Please activate your account

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

Thank you for signing up with {site_name}! To activate your account, please click the link below to confirm your email address:


If you have any problems, please contact us at {admin_email}


Your account is pending review
Subject: [{site_name}] New user account

Hi {display_name},

Thank you for signing up with {site_name}! Your account is currently being reviewed by a member of our team.

Please allow us some time to process your request.

If you have any problems, please contact us at {admin_email}


계정 승인 이메일

제목: Your account at {site_name} is now active

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

Thank you for signing up with {site_name}! Your account has been approved and is now active.

To login please visit the following url:


Your account e-mail: {email}
Your account username: {username}
Set your account password: {password_reset_link}

If you have any problems, please contact us at {admin_email}


계정 거부 이메일

제목: Your account has been rejected

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

Thank you for applying for membership to {site_name}! We have reviewed your information and unfortunately, we are unable to accept you as a member at this moment.

Please feel free to apply again at a future date.


계정 비활성화 이메일

제목: Your account has been deactivated

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},This is an automated email to let you know your {site_name} account has been deactivated.

If you would like your account to be reactivated please contact us at {admin_email}


계정 삭제 이메일

제목: Your account has been deleted

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

This is an automated email to let you know your {site_name} account has been deleted. All of your personal information has been permanently deleted and you will no longer be able to login to {site_name}.

If your account has been deleted by accident please contact us at {admin_email}

비밀번호 초기화 이메일

제목: Reset your password

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

We received a request to reset the password for your account. If you made this request, click the link below to change your password:


If you didn’t make this request, you can ignore this email


비밀번호 변경 이메일

제목: Your {site_name} password has been changed

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

You recently changed the password associated with your {site_name} account.

If you did not make this change and believe your {site_name} account has been compromised, please contact us at the following email address: {admin_email}


계정 업데이트 이메일

제목: Your account at {site_name} was updated

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

You recently updated your {site_name} account.

If you did not make this change and believe your {site_name} account has been compromised, please contact us at the following email address: {admin_email}


새로운 사용자 알림

제목: [{site_name}] New user account

메시지 본문

{display_name} has just created an account on {site_name}. To view their profile click here:


Here is the submitted registration form:


계정 검토 요구 알림

제목: [{site_name}] New user awaiting review

메시지 본문

{display_name} has just applied for membership to {site_name} and is waiting to be reviewed.

To review this member please click the following link:


Here is the submitted registration form:


계정 삭제 알림

제목: [{site_name}] Account deleted

메시지 본문

{display_name} has just deleted their {site_name} account.

New Follower Notification

제목: {follower} is now following you on {site_name}!

메시지 본문

Hi {followed},

{follower} has just followed you on {site_name}.

View his/her profile:

Click on the following link to see your followers:

This is an automated notification from {site_name}. You do not need to reply.

New Friend Request Notification

제목: {friend} wants to be friends with you on {site_name}

메시지 본문

Hi {receiver},

{friend} has just sent you a friend request on {site_name}.

View their profile to accept/reject this friendship request:

This is an automated notification from {site_name}. You do not need to reply.

New Message Notification

제목: {sender} has messaged you on {site_name}!

메시지 본문

Hi {recipient},

{sender} has just sent you a new private message on {site_name}.

To view your new message(s) click the following link:

This is an automated notification from {site_name}. You do not need to reply.

Reviews – New Review

제목: You’ve got a new {rating} review!

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

You’ve received a new {rating} review from {reviewer}!

Here is the review content:



This is an automated notification from {site_name}. You do not need to reply.

Account is verified E-mail

제목: Your account is verified on {site_name}!

메시지 본문

Hi {display_name},

Good News! We have reviewed your verification request and are happy to say that your account is now verified.

View your profile:

Thank You!

원문: https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1342-plain-text-email-default-templates

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